The partnered parishes of Immaculate Conception, St. Rita, St. Aloysius, and St. John the Evangelist are served by a joint pastoral council and individual finance councils. Each of the consulting bodies are composed of dedicated individuals committed to their Catholic faith and the well-being of our faith community.
The joint pastoral council, comprised of representatives from each of the partner parishes of Immaculate Conception, St. Rita, St. Aloysius, and St. John the Evangelist, meets on regular basis to develop and carry out the pastoral plan for the parishes. Serving as a consultative body to the pastor, the council operates under the format outlined in the New Wine, New Wineskins documents. The pastoral council gathers data, assesses needs, and establishes goals and objectives to further the spiritual life of the parishes. Agreement is reached by consensus rather than voting.
Members of the council are asked to serve a term of at least three years and no more than nine. They continually examine the life of the parish in terms of its mission statement and the seven elements put forth in New Wine, New Wineskins. Council members are usually chosen through a discernment process that allows an individual to determine if he/she feels they have the gifts and time necessary to serve in this valuable ministry.
Anyone interested in serving on the pastoral council, should make their desire known to Father Paul Lisik, pastor. For more information, please contact the parish office or any current council member.
Required by the canon law of the Catholic Church, the finance councils give guidance to the pastor in matters concerning the fiscal operation of the parish such as budgets, buildings and grounds, capital and financial campaigns, the purchase and disposal of equipment and property, as well as any matter concerned with the stewardship of parish resources.
Finance council members receive reports of the current status of the parish resources, and are charged with the responsibility of ensuring the fiscal stability of the parish and wise use of parish resources. Finance council members are usually appointed by the pastor because of an expertise in areas such as banking, accounting, real estate and investment. They are not limited to a specific term of service, but serve at the pleasure of the pastor.